After your Connecticut construction work accident and injury, you may assume that your employer will be there for you. After all, you have been a loyal employee and worker for years, and you know that your direct boss values the work you do. Although this may be true, you need to understand one thing – your employer and their insurance company are looking at their bottom line.
Companies are in business to make money and not give money away. Unfortunately, for you that may mean that they are looking out for their best interest and not yours. Sadly, your employer's insurance company will do everything in their power to limit the amount of compensation you receive.
It is hard not to take this personally, as you were a good employee who doesn't deserve to be treated like this. This is why you need a neutral third party to get involved on your behalf. By hiring a skilled work injury attorney, you will be able to increase the size of your Connecticut workers' compensation claim and the financial recovery you should expect to see for your medical expenses, lost income, future lost earnings, and instances of pain and suffering.
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