Farmington, CT Attorney Helping Dog Bite Victims with Infections
In cities like Hartford and New Britain, dog bite attacks are on the rise. Owners who wish to utilize the recreational areas of the city may frequently take their dogs on walks. Unfortunately, dog bite attacks can occur with any type of breed and in any area. Even the most well-trained dogs can lash out at innocent individuals minding their own business. Our Hartford, CT area dog bite attorney is here to assist those who have been the victims of dog bite attacks and have suffered infection as a result. An infected dog bite wound can be extremely expensive to treat, and victims should be prepared to handle these costs. Complications and additional expenses often arise when a victim suffers from an infection due to a dog bite attack. It is important that these victims consider all legal remedies that may be available to them, and our attorneys can assist in this process.
How Do Infections Occur at the Site of Dog Bites?
Dog bite infections frequently impact those who have been in an attack. If a victim has not been able to receive immediate medical care for his or her injuries, then it is likely that a laceration or open wound will lead to infection. Infection can also arise when an individual has been injured on a part of the body that is not easily healed. For example, the body may have a difficult time preventing infection on parts of the body like hands and fingers.
An infection will occur when bacteria has entered the blood stream, and the body is unable to fight off the bacteria. A dog may contain bacteria within its mouth, or an individual may have the presence of bacteria already on the exterior layer of his or her skin. An individual will notice that a wound has turned into an infection due to swelling, redness, rash and inflammation. The victim may experience other side effects of the infection, such as nausea or migraines.
An infection also typically results from puncture wounds. Regular scrapes or small bites that do not puncture the skin's surface may not be likely to result in infection. Puncture wounds are much riskier due to the fact that bacteria can enter the skin, and the skin can heal over this bacteria. The skin can literally trap bacteria within the body, and this can cause serious health issues for a victim. Our Farmington, CT injury attorney can assist your case by gathering evidence to show that a dog bite attack was directly related to an infection that developed in your body. This causal link must be shown, otherwise damages may not be awarded in your case.
The High Expense Associated with Infections
The Connecticut dog bite statute clearly mandates that a dog owner, harborer or keeper of a dog shall be liable for the “full amount” of civil damages proximately caused by a dog attack. This means that a dog owner shall be liable for those injuries that flow from a dog's attack. Even if an infection did not occur at the time of the attack, the owner will still be liable if an attorney can show that it is connected to the original attack.
Infections can quickly become an extremely expensive burden for a victim to bear. The victim may need to pay for the cost of emergency room care, overnight stays in the hospital or extensive operations. Reconstructive surgery may be required in those cases where a victim has scar tissue. Our Hartford dog bite law firm can assist in calculating the total cost of damages that you have suffered as a result of your infection.
Learn More About Your Legal Rights in Cases Involving Dog Bite Injuries and Infections
Our attorney is adept in handling cases involving an infected dog bite. Feel free to call us to discuss the circumstances that lead to the development of your dog bite infection. We are here to help and can sympathize with the difficulties that you now face.