Hartford Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

When a drunk driver is at fault and is liable for an accident, this may have certain additional impacts on how a car accident is viewed. From a general standpoint, if the drunk driver is the at-fault driver, the insurance company may be less apt to try and defend on the basis of liability because they will have to then allow any evidence and issues about their client's intoxication.
If someone is extremely drunk, they have to demonstrate BAC of greater than 0.15 grams per 210 milliliters of breath then there may be punitive damages available. The specific calculations of how and when punitive damages are available in drunk driving cases is something a person should discuss with a Hartford drunk driving accident lawyer. A Ct car accident lawyer can help hold responsible parties accountable and assist in recovering compensation for any damages that were sustained as the result of an accident.
Common Fact Patterns
There are a variety of common fact patterns that may involve drunk driving accident cases. Often, drunk drivers will fail to stop in time causing a rear-end collision, will fail to acknowledge safety lanes and road markings and may cause injuries when they drift out of their lane or cross the line and they may also fail to abide by road safety signs and traffic signals.
They may run red lights, roll through stop signs, failure to yield to the right of way, all of these things that then cause serious and devastating injuries to unknown or unforeseen other drivers and should result in contact with a Hartford drunk driving accident attorney to hold the negligent party responsible.
Time of Day
Drunk driving accidents are more likely to occur in the overnight hours that is from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. They are more likely to happen on weekends than weekdays, and around holidays and special events as well.
Anytime that alcohol is consumed, people should take proper safety precautions as some may be intoxicated on the roadways; these are all times when there are more drunk driving accidents.
There are certain areas that tend to attract more drunk driving offenses. However, drunk driving happens throughout the State of Connecticut on a regular basis. Typically, urban areas, places that have more bars, watering holes, and restaurants are all places where there are more accidents.
They may include suburban and rural areas as well. The reason why there is an increase in accidents in rural areas is because there may not be public transportation and alternative transportation or subscribed driving services available in these areas.
Driver Demographics
There is not a common demographic for drunk driving type cases. Studies show that men are slightly more likely to drive intoxicated, but generally, age, sex, race, creed, background do not play a factor.
The Value of an Experienced Connecticut Drunk Driving Lawyer
A Hartford drunk driving accident lawyer can be of great use to those involved in a drunk driving case. A competent car accident attorney in Connecticut can advocate for you and can work hard to make sure that your rights are protected, and your voice is heard.