We Handle The Full Range Of Connecticut Workplace Injuries
James F. Aspell, P.C. , provides aggressive and informed advocacy in all kinds of workers' compensation claims, including:
- Injuries to the back and neck, including severe spinal cord injuries
- Serious head injuries
- Heart problems resulting from workplace activities
- Injuries to the knees, elbows, shoulders and other joints
- Injuries caused by repetitive motions
If your work-related injury doesn't appear on this list, call us anyway. Connecticut Workplace Injury Law is complex, and many other conditions are covered. Our firm is prepared to handle any workplace injury claim.
SETTLED! Injured worker at United Parcel Service settled case for $190,000.00
Workers' comp is a compromise between the needs of the employer and the needs of the worker. Employers want to avoid lawsuits. Workers want reasonable security when they are hurt.
It's not a perfect system by any stretch, but with the right lawyer on your side, you can make it work for you.
Third-Party Lawsuits
Our firm is also active in third-party lawsuits. These are suits arising from on-the-job injuries caused by the negligence not of your employer but of another contractor or business.
If you are working on a construction site, for instance, and a subcontractor from another firm runs over your foot, that injury will not be covered under workers' comp, but that subcontractor may be held liable in a civil lawsuit. By utilizing third-party lawsuits, it may be possible to double or triple your claim for damages.
For more information, call Connecticut workplace injury lawyer Jim Aspell. We handle Connecticut workplace injury claims across the state. Call s 24/7/365 at 860-523-8783.
Curious About Workplace Injuries?
When you are injured in the workplace, you can get legal help. Whether your injury was caused by dangerous work conditions or an accident in the line of your work, you can get help with the medical and financial burdens involved in recovery.
At James F. Aspell, P.C. we fight for the injured. We can help you navigate your workplace injuries and get the financial support you need. Call us today at 860-523-8783
What Is A Workplace Injury?
A workplace injury is a physical or mental condition caused by your workplace conditions or workplace duties. This can include accidents with machinery, repetitive stress damage to your joints or mental illness as a result of stress. Any of these illnesses and injuries may qualify for compensation.
Will Filing A Lawsuit Actually Help Me?
A worker's compensation claim will not immediately fix your injury. You still need time to recover. But, it will give you the financial resources you need to access proper medical care and to provide for yourself if you are not able to work.
Do I Qualify For Workers' Compensation?
Our attorneys understand that every case is different. We will review your injury and the circumstances that caused it in order to help you determine if workers' compensation is a viable route for you.
What If My Employer Was Not At Fault?
Sometimes, a third-party is responsible for an injury. For instance, a mechanic improperly maintenances a vehicle or a contractor causes an injury. In those cases, we can help determine if a third-party liability case is appropriate or if workers' compensation is the better option.
Should I Accept An Insurance Settlement?
Do not accept any offer before consulting with an expert. Insurance companies may not consider the full scope of your long-term needs. Our attorneys can help you evaluate if your offer is fair