If you have been involved in a tractor-trailer crash, you may have suffered catastrophic injuries. In addition to their great size, commercial trucks might carry hazardous or otherwise dangerous materials that can spill or explode and make a truck accident even worse.
Let Us Put Our Experience To Work For You
Around the country, and particularly in our state, the trucking industry is heavily regulated. After an 18-wheeler accident, our experienced Farmington, Ct personal injury lawyer knows what to look for to help bolster your case if you are injured.
Our attorneys can:
- Examine records, including the truck driver's log, to determine if the driver had exceeded the allowable number of hours on the road or if a truck underwent the requisite maintenance or repairs
- Interview the truck driver and witnesses to determine if distraction, speeding, fatigue or other factors played a role in the accident
- Work with accident reconstruction professionals to get a full picture of what occurred, and consult with experts who can examine the truck to check for mechanical and safety issues and compliance with federal motor carrier safety regulations
While some cases can be settled out of court, not all insurance companies are willing to offer a fair settlement. In such a case, we can file a lawsuit and fight in court for your rights and compensation.
Get A Dedicated Lawyer On Your Case Without Delay
Contact our attorneys today to learn more about our services. Get a no-obligation consultation by calling our offices at 860-500-1414. You can also complete and submit via our online form