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What Are The Most Common Types of Construction Accident

Posted by James Aspell | May 06, 2022 | 0 Comments


According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the most common types of construction accidents resulting in deaths are classified as the “fatal four.” These common construction site accidents are falls, being struck by an object, electrocution, and getting caught in or between equipment and machines. In fact, OSHA claims that the fatal four cost the lives of 468 construction workers every year.

Out of the fatal four, which type of construction accident is the most common?

Falling from Heights

Roofers, chimney masons, other tradesmen, and any other workers who have to get on the roof of a building have a very dangerous job. An article in The Wall Street Journal calculated the problem as 38.7 fatalities per 100,000 workers in 2013—an increase from 2011's 34.1 per 100,000 workers. In Connecticut alone, in 2019 5% of all fatal job accidents were the result of falls, 21% of which occurred in industrial places and premises such as a construction site.

There are several reasons roofers and other workers fall from rooftops:

  • Hazardous scaffolding equipment
  • Unsafe ladders
  • Faulty equipment
  • Lack of fall prevention safety equipment

Protection for Connecticut Construction Workers

Equipment and instructions for working with a harness or other safety systems that can stop falls are often disregarded. Contractors and employers often say such protection is either too expensive or creates new issues. On the other side of the debate, contractors say that safety systems can and do save lives. OSHA says that fall protection is the number one of its standards violated each year.

The growing number of  Connecticut construction workers dying from fatal falls in recent years has prompted the federal government to step in and require fall protection on all job sites. But even with more government regulations, accidents can happen. Construction workers need to continue to be concerned for their own safety and the safety of others.

Contact a Connecticut Construction Site Accident Attorney Today

Falls on the job can lead to serious and life-threatening injuries, including broken bones, chronic back pain, and traumatic head injuries that require ongoing medical attention. Some people that have been injured in a construction fall suffer from a severe fear of heights and other anxiety issues that require treatment. Still others die from their injuries, leaving their families to cope with the loss, both financially and emotionally. Don't go through this alone. We are here to help.

If you or a loved one have been injured as a result of a construction accident, you are urged to contact the Connecticut Construction Site Accident Attorneys of James F. Aspell, P.C.  Our lawyers will  help you get the compensation you deserve. Call 860-523-8783 or fill out the online contact form on the right hand side of this page  for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

About the Author

James Aspell

Principal since August 1, 2006 James F. Aspell is the principal and managing attorney of the firm which he started in 2006 following 20 years of litigation practice in a mid -size firm in Hartford, Connecticut. Jim focuses his practice in the areas of worker's compensation and personal injury l...


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