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Common Workplace Knee Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Posted by James Aspell | Mar 29, 2021 | 0 Comments


DuPage County workers' compensation attorney, knee injury treatments, workers' compensation claims, workplace knee injuries, workplace injuriesThe largest joint in the body is the knee. Without a healthy knee, you would not be able to walk, run, stand, sit, or lay down. If you sustain a knee injury on the job, you may experience serious pain and long-term medical problems.

The most common types of knee injuries that arise in the workplace include:

  • Fractures;
  • Sprains and strains;
  • Tendonitis;
  • Bursitis;
  • Dislocations;
  • Meniscus tears; and
  • ACL tears.

Often times, these knee injuries occur because of overuse or repetitive stress. If you are a construction worker, auto mechanic, carpenter, cleaner or work in a profession where you kneel regularly or carry a great deal of weight, you are more likely to experience a knee injury on the job.

Treating Knee Injuries

If you feel any stiffness, aches, or sharp pain in your knees while on the job, you should notify your employer immediately and visit the doctor. The doctor may recommend a variety of conservative treatment options to start including:

  • Anti-inflammatory pain medications;
  • Steroid injections;
  • Ice and heat; and
  • Bracing.

Physical therapy

In the event conservative treatments do not improve your new pain and heal your injury, a surgical procedure may be necessary.

Tips to Avoid Workplace Knee Injuries

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk of a workplace knee injury. Make sure you are always aware of your surroundings. This way, you can avoid slipping, tripping and falling over power cords, loose floor boards and other dangerous items.

In addition, stretch your legs every few hours as kneeling or sitting in the same position for a long period of time may lead to knee inflammation. Regular stretching and switching positions can keep your knees strong.

Workers' Compensation Claims for Knee Injuries

If you suffer from an on the job knee injury, you should know that you are entitled to workers' compensation benefits. After you notify your employer and seek medical attention, you should consult a workers' compensation attorney.

An attorney can help you collect evidence such as medical records and witness statements and guide you through the process of filing a claim. With legal representation by your side, you can reduce your risk of a claim denial and increase your chances of collecting the full benefits you may deserve.

Contact Our Farmington, CT Workers' Compensation Attorneys

If you have sustained a knee injury while on the job, it is in your best interest to reach out to our experienced Connecticut work injury lawyer right away. We can make sure your rights are protected and assist you in recovering compensation for your medical bills and lost wages.


About the Author

James Aspell

Principal since August 1, 2006 James F. Aspell is the principal and managing attorney of the firm which he started in 2006 following 20 years of litigation practice in a mid -size firm in Hartford, Connecticut. Jim focuses his practice in the areas of worker's compensation and personal injury l...


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